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Jabali F1

A round hybrid cabbage with excellent disease tolerance, 160-190 seeds per gram, 100gm seed rate per acre with spacing 60cm by 45cm


  • Maturity 75 days from transplanting
    • Round Head weight 4 - 5 kgs
    • Suitable for fresh market
    • Yield potential 40- 60 tonnes per acre • Excellent eating texture & field holding

  • capacity
    • Plant population 10,000 -14,000 heads

  • per acre
    • Suitable for medium to high altitude areas
    • Attractive green color, very uniform & compact, excellent internal quality

Resistances / Tolerances: 

  • Tolerant to Fusarium wilt, yellow leaf Virus & black Rot

*Seedlings take 4 weeks for transplanting

 Pack Sizes (in grams)

  • 2.5 gms
  • 5 gms
  • 10 gms
  •  25 gms 
  • 50 gms
  • 100 gms
  • 250 gms

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